11kV/33kV Substation Installations
Scope – Project manage, install, build and commission
The project consists of a 3 x 1.5MW 11kV substation feed via a private 11kV network. The new substation is offering upgraded supplies to the new student residences.
We had been appointed to act as the main high voltage contractor on site dealing with the management, programming and delivery of the high voltage installation works. The PC role was undertaken by our client.
Description and overview of works – Installation, build and commissioning
- Installation of all LV AC small power, lighting and heating including containment.
- Delivery, offload, position and build of 11kV 1.5MW TX and 4 panel 11kV switchboard
- Delivery, offload, position and build of 12 separate panels of LV switchboards
- Internal cable route containment installation
- Supplementary bonding of all containment
- Cable installation and testing
- Cable jointing and terminations (specialist manufacture terminations included) – handing over completed test forms and installation records to network operator.
- Cable testing to network owners testing requirements and specifications
- Final onsite testing and commissioning of plant and protection schemes with final completion to energised.